Wednesday 19 June 2019

Genetics Development - Day 4 - Starting the Genetics

I should say, as this is the last post I am writing in bulk since starting the project, and I hope to do these 'one at a time' from here on, that while I am listing days, sometimes there were multiple days between these 'major days' where thinking happened and some minor testing, but I am trying, at this stage, to do 'goals' for each day I am developing this project.

So on day 4, having gotten absolutely nowhere with the male/female breeding thing, it was time to turn to the genetics side of things and try and wrap my head around that. Boy it was a productive few hours, again a 1am finish, but a happy 1am finish!

So, with the genetics, I had the Panda to refer to, but it turns out it is quite easy to do, I must admit I spent a few hours mapping the traits I wanted a particular way, and I am still only doing a small component of the genetics I want, essentially sex and two varieties of wing type. It took a few hours, but by the end of it, I had flies inheriting traits from parents.

Basically they inherit their sex from one of their parents (normally in it is from the male passing on either an x or y chromosome at a 50/50 ratio, and I think I have that happening already. They also can inherit wing type, and this should be a dominant/recessive pattern of inheritance. Where by if I breed a pure bred wild fly with a vestigial fly all should 'look' wild type, but their genetics should all be heterozygous for wing type.

If I then take 2 of the first generation, and breed them I should get one quarter of the offspring being vestigial and the remaining three quarters looking wild type. I have also started thinking about 'lethal' genes, as that is an important thing to discuss.

At this stage I still don't fully understand what I can, and cannot do in the entity definition, with regards to using tags that I create, I am still using the 'inbuilt' variant and mark_variant tags. Variant is the sex of the fly, and the mark_variant is the skin that overlays that. I have some work to do on the textures, and the models, because I think I may need 3 variables to use in the render controller, which is certainly possible, but I am not ready yet.

I haven't done any solid testing on the current inheritance pattern, probabilities or anything yet. That is actually the plan for day 5, create a few entities, see if I can 'edit their genetics' externally so I know exactly what they are, and breed them multiple times and record lots of data about what happens.

In the intervening days between where I finished on day 4 and am writing this post, I have remembered an experiment I did on these flies at university, that took a whole term to do, because of the life cycles of these flies in the real world, and in theory, if I can get this working. I can replicate that whole experiment, and get the exact same data out of it in Minecraft within about an hour.

So, I am really excited to see how far I can go, how in-depth it can be, and how authentic I can make it. That's it for now, thanks for reading, and if you have any comments feel free to leave them below.


  1. Man, you create really mindblowing things...

    1. Thanks, it isn't done yet, I am still running into issues! But I will persevere and see how far I can push it!
