Saturday 9 October 2021

Tutorial Series has Begun!

I finally built up the courage (silly I know) to release the first episode of the new tutorial series that goes alongside the genetics map creation.

This first video is a very quick one, that shows you the tools and software you need to start this process.

What I have found most difficult with this series is finding the time to actually create the videos as I want them to be. I have recorded plenty of footage, deliberately without audio. However, editing that footage and writing a script to go along with it is time consuming. Then taking that one step further and recording the narrative, and then aligning the footage to the script takes even longer.

That being said, I think the quality and ease of use of these videos for their intended purpose is much greater than my previously available tutorials. I have had a couple of people view and provide feedback, with a few tweaks having been made before pushing this video live to YouTube.

If you are interested in how I create my maps, or customise Minecraft and bend it to my educational will, follow along with these tutorials as we create the genetics map. Some of the content will not work until M:EE updates to 1.17, but that should be in the next few weeks hopefully. As always if you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to reach out in the comments section below.

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